Another 2 months ... Caleb Josiah Whetstone has been born and . . .

Two months have passed once again and a lot has happened as well as a lot of nothin'. Is it strange that someone can even write that in the same sentence? After living this life, I can testify that it's not the most serene experience.

Some days I'm reminded of the Seinfeld episode where all I want to do is scream out "Serenity now! Serenity now!" Despite the fact that I laugh every time I think of that episode (for more reasons than just the TV show), I've come to realize that forcing "serenity" is impossible especially when caught in a life of immense transition.

So, we've gone a few places over the past months (to check out some pics click here , here , here and here... and more to come, including an album of our trip to Washington), but we're still hoping for a little more stability in the near future. And near could very well be tomorrow or next year.... as this is another hallmark of a life of transition. :-0

Our incredibly beautiful boy was born August 20, 2010. Caleb Josiah Whetstone came graciously into the world at 6.5 lbs & 19 1/2inches! Now as most of you reading this know, his parents are not the biggest people in the world but Caleb just happened to be our heaviest and our shortest. Hmmm... We give all thanks to our Heavenly Father for a safe pregnancy, delivery, and past 7 weeks of life. Caleb is doing well and will soon be going in for his two month well check.

The two job offers that we asked for prayer in my last post, in the end were not a good fit for our family. However, the Lord used us once again as catalytic servants. The church that was looking to hire me pursued a recommendation that I gave them. It turns out that they hired whom I thought would be great for the job - my sister. She's now lawyer turned full-time Children Minister at Crossroads Nazarene in Maryland. I am not only totally stoked for her, as I know she will be a tremendous asset to the team and do a fabulous job, but I was honored to have been part of helping serve in a small catalytic way for the Kingdom. God is truly good.

After Caleb's birth we've been hitting the ground running. However, "running" may not be the word a six year old would use. As I was helping watch my sister and brother-in-law's three kids last week so that they could attend the final interview with Crossroads, my niece and nephew asked me, so politely I may add, "Uncle Tim, do you ever go to work?". Funny eh? My nephew proceeded to inform me, "Yeah, Uncle Tim. You move here, stay somewhere else for a little while, move across the world and then go somewhere else to speak for a couple days... Do you really have a job?"

As it made me laugh, it also made me start to think, "Do I really have a job?" "Do I work?" I began wondering if I've turned my family into a bunch of vagabonds (but we do actually have more than a back pack full of stuff - not much more but more nonetheless). Yet, after some honest guttural dialogue with the Lord, I was (or He) reminded me of the many ways that He has been able to use me and my family. God seems to like to remind us of His faithfulness and He's always right.

So, before I leave you with some of what we've been up to (or even ways in which God has used us recently), I must admit that in times of transition, like what we're experiencing, we need to be reminded of the past, while living with open eyes in the present, and never stop hoping in a future of fulfilled dreams. Because for the believer, as N.T. Wright may say, "Hope... is not wishful thinking or mere blind optimism. It is a mode of knowing, a mode within which new things are possible, options are not shut down, new creation can happen." And this is what I believe "new things are possible... new creation can (and will) happen". Therefore, I will remain available in the present in whatever circumstance while seeking to continually be a part of His new creation happening all around - that is, His will and kingdom coming on earth right now, as it is in Heaven.

- Caleb Josiah Whetstone was born. For pics click here.
- Tim and Danielle spoke at Bloxom Church of the Nazarene in Virgina. It was great to be with such a wonderful group and encourage them in their service to the Lord.
- Tim Spoke at New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene in Edison, NJ. Thank you Edison! It is always wonderful to reconnect with such wonderful supporters and of course long time friends and family.
- Danielle has been working on some freelance (emphasis on free) design work for a couple organizations.
- We're officially off contract with World Mission and looking for jobs. Tim's applied to over 15 different jobs and Danielle even interviewed at Starbucks again (but for that we'd need a second car, which we don't have finances for at the present...)
- We've been able to babysit our niece and nephews a couple times in an effort to help out.
- Tim & Danielle spoke at Centralia, WA Church of the Nazarene. It was a wonderful weekend with friends and great fellowship. Thank you for your continued amazing love and support of us.
- We've been able to help out at Life Now (a new church plant in Felton, DE lead by my father Barry Whetstone), a little music, some web development, photography, and kids care. Check out the pics here. And if you are interested in supporting this endeavor please don't hesitate to contact us at (tax deductible too!)
- Tim has helped his Dad's Hi-End Audio dealership - Sounds Good - go global with new web and FB sites. Please come and check us out and even add us as a friend on FB. Yeah we're just a "friend" for now maybe in the future we'll become a "like"! :-)

Finally here's our latest speaking schedule through December. If interested in having us or Tim don't hesitate to contact us:
October 24 Rockville, MD (Rockville Nazarene)
November 6 - 22 Alabama South Nazarene Churches
November 28 Laurel, DE (Laurel Nazarene)
December 1 Smyrna, DE (Smyrna Faith Nazarene)
December 5 Shippensburg, PA (Shippensburg Nazarene)
January 9Washington, DC (Mosaic Nazarene)


steph said…
hi tim! so inspired by your update. i'm still amazed at how much you guys have been doing even with a new addition to your family! of cos, you have the support of an amazing super-wife/mom. =)

our life is also still in transition...we're still looking for a house. it's taking longer that we had hoped but at least we found a church. it's hard moving countries...can't help missing SG but maybe the grass is greener on the other side! =p

But like you, we praise God for His faithfulness & provision.

keep in touch!
Anonymous said…
You may not remember me, but I've been praying for you since you guys were in Italy. In 1986, Jeff and I spent a year with you in Flushing, NY. Great to catch up with what's going on in your life. I finally tracked you down! Congratulations on your new baby. I'll be praying God will provide the perfect job for you and your family. I'm so excited to see that your sister is also in ministry and hear about your dad. Blessings on you and your family.
Beth Sharpton-Vice
Unknown said…
Whetstones!! Great to get the update! You guys have actually been on my mind quite frequently lately so I've tried to turn those thoughts to prayers. We miss you guys at VCC and in Kansas just in general. Let me know if there is something we can do for you guys. Congrats on the new child. What a miracle life is. Grace and Peace, James Laker

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