"So what now?"

Hello again.

It's been nearly six months since we arrived in Singapore and we have two growing kids to remind us of how fast time truly does fly! We are so grateful to all of those who have kept in touch, responded to our blogs, visited us on skype (and even personally), as well as sent us cards (electronic or by post) for our anniversary and D's birthday. Thank you.

It truly is the prayers and love you offer that encourage us everyday to push forward in our journey of service. I guess this brings us to our most recent activities and meanderings.

It's been a bit over a month since we last blogged and a couple months on our kids site... but don't worry, the Whetpebbles will have a new post soon as well as some pictures by our newest family photographer- Natalie D Whetstone. (Here's one to whet your appetite!) Yet, we have not gone without writing. Our six month newsletter is hot off the press and nearly on it's way to you as we type! Therefore, we'll just skip right into...

"So what now?" seems to be a common question in our household. We tend to lift this burden up after after one of those
excruciatingly long days that we all have. When we see that our kids still don't have any close friends... when we realize that we don't have many close friends... when we sense the disruption in our home life because of another job transition... after a long day with the kids or in the office when all we want to do is lock the door and sleep.... when we look around our apartment and realize that we still have yet to hang our pictures on the walls... when we wonder what you'll will think when we share all these struggles with you....
I guess we have realized that our "so what nows?" can lead us to two places; a) a perpetual state of tiredness and grumbling or b) still possibly a perpetual state of tiredness but one filled with the joy of waiting.

It's very easy for us to be impatient and try to do our own thing - or at least the thing we think we should be doing because it really sounds like a great idea and an amazing opportunity. But what would it mean if we would instead, concentrate on the one thing Christ commanded his disciples to do before ever going - wait? You might be saying, "well Tim... isn't a bit late for that now? I mean you already moved to Singapore! So what are you waiting for?" Maybe the better
question should be: "What are you doing in this waiting time?"

Well we're:
Prayer strollering... playing soccer... waiting... intentionally grocery shopping... kids' playdates... speaking... frequenting the same dives... waiting... sharing life with others... encouraging the believers... breakfast with a few good men... waiting... being the best parents we can be... loving our family... writing... reading... designing... learning... and simply... waiting as Kingdom agents. Not as people doing nothing, but as ones willing to stop and prepare the ground for something new, something which will emerge- His kingdom and will being done on earth, right now.

So, what now? I guess it boils down to choosing whether you're going to bring Heaven or Hell to earth - 'cos we're all bringing somethin'! So we've chosen to be a part of bringing heaven as best we can. Which we're guessing at time may mean to just stop and take time to wait and watch the water fall!

For anyone who made it to the end of this blog, thanks and now if you don't mind, could you offer a little prayer up for us because waiting is truly not easy.


Anonymous said…
Dear Tim & Danelle & Family,

Please be assured you are in our thoughts daily.
From your Lutes Mountain Family.
Unknown said…
Hello Whetstones!

In a class this last semester at NTS we talked about themes in missionary communication... I'd say a few came threw in your's but, waiting was definitely at the top of the list. Know that we are praying for you. May God bless this time to shape and mold you, to grow perseverance into hope, hope into faith, etc. Thank you for updating your blog and for the pictures you've posted! I enjoy seeing you and the kids and some of the friends you got together with from another one of my favorite countries...

Greetings from Village Community! Martin was with us yesterday after being here for GA and we remembered all of ours faithfully serving in places outside Kansas.

In Him,
Roger B. said…
Some years ago, I came to the following conclusion: Roger, more often than not, likes to get things done quickly and directly. ('cause I'm of a Western mentality)
God, on the other hand, seems more inclined to do things way more slowly. (just note all the time consumed across the old and new testiment. Even Jesus "came in the fullness of time"; when it appears from hindsight, an earlier arrival would have helped many more sooner.) Trust this is received with what value it brings. Enjoy your pics and writings. Roger B.
Unknown said…
Happy belated birthday! We just got back from costa rica on our 4th double a trip last night. I was thinking a lot about you guys and remembering our last trip, miss and love you all. I also wait with you...
Lorna said…
Hey lovelies! Thanks for the update. Just wanted to say that God LOVES it when we stop, we are human beings not human doings! He especially loves it when we wait with expectation, which is exactly what you guys are in the midst of...He's an amazing God who has sooo many plans for you guys that it'd make your heads spin, so it's best you don't know them all at once, despite all of our desperations to know the big picture....I realise I'm preaching to the converted but sometimes it's nice to go over the basics! Love you lots, and your in my prayers daily.

Lorna xx

PS Belated birthday and anniversary wihes! please update me with these D!

Psalm 27:14
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Isaiah 30:18
[ Blessings for the Lord’s People ] So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.
Tonya said…
Greetings to the Whetstones from Nova Scotia, Canada! Thank you for sending us your latest Whetstone Chronicles. It is always a blessing to hear from you and see pictures of your family. I trust that you gain some encouragement when you remember that you are never alone in your love or service for the Lord. Although you can't "see" us, your brothers and sisters in the Lord, we are standing with you in prayer and with joint love for the lost. My prayer for you is that your heart will be enccouraged when you consider that all you do, even waiting, has eternal value and significance when you are doing it out of worship for the Lord. It is not our "doing" that pleases him so much as our "being" in a trust-"full" relationship with Him.

"Blessed are all who wait for him." (Is. 30:18)

All for Jesus!

Rev. Tonya Kucey
Canada Rep. for Global NMI Council
Annapolis Valley Community Church of the Nazarene
Anonymous said…
I will be praying for you! We're in the "waiting game" as well. Jerry has been out of a job since December. BUT God is GOOD and He has been meeting our needs with abundance...it makes the waiting easier, but not "funner"!! God Bless you!
Vickie Winkle

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