It's been a while since I've been here... blogging, posting, writing... trying to work things out of my head and heart... Yet, here I am once again. Granted it's several years later and I'd love to update everyone on what's happened over the past 2 1/2 years of the Whetstone's journey... but I'd don't believe it's the time and place. If however, you are truly interested, check us out on Instagram @tdhwtetsone or Facebook and enjoy the pics!

Instead, I'd like to invite you all once again to journey with me, prayerfully. I wrote some material a couple years back entitled 28 Day's of Prayer. I just recently found a hard copy of it and just possibly divinely, God knew I needed not only communal support and prayer as we once again venture into some grave ambiguity... but that we need a community who has been there with us over the years to join us?

Therefore, I posted an invitation on Facebook as well and it said....

Anyone who would like to join me in my 28 Day's of Prayer posting, you're welcome. I could use the community. . . A most dark season has settled in my life and as I journey through in God's grace and presence where truly joy and sorrow kiss each other, I pray that I'm still able to see in the dark with the eyes of Christ. And as Pastor Earl Lee might say "lean hard into Jesus". . . . [Because]

By ourselves we are not capable of love. God who come to us as a presence, as grace, as eternal life teaches us to love. The mystery revealed to us by Christ is not only love between two; it is love between three. Eros is transformed into agape, the couple is transformed into a family, human love is transformed into a banquet. And I pray that we are all transformed into looking more like Jesus and the body of Christ. (Carlo Carretto)

As I have been ministering in God's grace here at PLNU, I'm confronted once again with a looming question... What does it truly look like to be called into a pastoral role within an institution and not necessarily a parish? And how do I live into a role of ministry which seems to get praised and criticized due to several reasons?

As I dig deep into seeking guidance from my Lord and savior in the deep well of prayer & writing (28 Days of Prayer posts to come)... I pray you join me... because I do believe that He walks with me(us) and He talks with me(us) along life's narrow way. He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today. You ask me how I know He lives... He lives within me (our) heart.


Beth Vice said…
I would be pleased to join you in this journey and will be praying for you as you seek God's perfect will and wisdom. As always, you and your family and ministry are in my heart.

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