It's been a while since I've been here... blogging, posting, writing... trying to work things out of my head and heart... Yet, here I am once again. Granted it's several years later and I'd love to update everyone on what's happened over the past 2 1/2 years of the Whetstone's journey... but I'd don't believe it's the time and place. If however, you are truly interested, check us out on Instagram @tdhwtetsone or Facebook and enjoy the pics!
Instead, I'd like to invite you all once again to journey with me, prayerfully. I wrote some material a couple years back entitled 28 Day's of Prayer. I just recently found a hard copy of it and just possibly divinely, God knew I needed not only communal support and prayer as we once again venture into some grave ambiguity... but that we need a community who has been there with us over the years to join us?
Therefore, I posted an invitation on Facebook as well and it said....
Anyone who would like to join me in my 28 Day's of Prayer posting, you're welcome. I could use the community. . . A most dark season has settled in my life and as I journey through in God's grace and presence where truly joy and sorrow kiss each other, I pray that I'm still able to see in the dark with the eyes of Christ. And as Pastor Earl Lee might say "lean hard into Jesus". . . . [Because]
By ourselves we are not capable of love. God who come to us as a presence, as grace, as eternal life teaches us to love. The mystery revealed to us by Christ is not only love between two; it is love between three. Eros is transformed into agape, the couple is transformed into a family, human love is transformed into a banquet. And I pray that we are all transformed into looking more like Jesus and the body of Christ. (Carlo Carretto)
As I have been ministering in God's grace here at PLNU, I'm confronted once again with a looming question... What does it truly look like to be called into a pastoral role within an institution and not necessarily a parish? And how do I live into a role of ministry which seems to get praised and criticized due to several reasons?
As I dig deep into seeking guidance from my Lord and savior in the deep well of prayer & writing (28 Days of Prayer posts to come)... I pray you join me... because I do believe that He walks with me(us) and He talks with me(us) along life's narrow way. He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today. You ask me how I know He lives... He lives within me (our) heart.
Instead, I'd like to invite you all once again to journey with me, prayerfully. I wrote some material a couple years back entitled 28 Day's of Prayer. I just recently found a hard copy of it and just possibly divinely, God knew I needed not only communal support and prayer as we once again venture into some grave ambiguity... but that we need a community who has been there with us over the years to join us?
Anyone who would like to join me in my 28 Day's of Prayer posting, you're welcome. I could use the community. . . A most dark season has settled in my life and as I journey through in God's grace and presence where truly joy and sorrow kiss each other, I pray that I'm still able to see in the dark with the eyes of Christ. And as Pastor Earl Lee might say "lean hard into Jesus". . . . [Because]
By ourselves we are not capable of love. God who come to us as a presence, as grace, as eternal life teaches us to love. The mystery revealed to us by Christ is not only love between two; it is love between three. Eros is transformed into agape, the couple is transformed into a family, human love is transformed into a banquet. And I pray that we are all transformed into looking more like Jesus and the body of Christ. (Carlo Carretto)
As I have been ministering in God's grace here at PLNU, I'm confronted once again with a looming question... What does it truly look like to be called into a pastoral role within an institution and not necessarily a parish? And how do I live into a role of ministry which seems to get praised and criticized due to several reasons?
As I dig deep into seeking guidance from my Lord and savior in the deep well of prayer & writing (28 Days of Prayer posts to come)... I pray you join me... because I do believe that He walks with me(us) and He talks with me(us) along life's narrow way. He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today. You ask me how I know He lives... He lives within me (our) heart.
