A Life Changing July . . .
Last time we posted D was closing in on 36 weeks in the pregnancy. Well, 38 weeks hit and Jeremiah thought it was about time to get out of the cooker and into the . . . well, world! I am going to try my darnedest to keep this short, but hey, I'm a "daddy" all over again, so I can't promise anything! :-)
Before I dive into the glorious delight of sharing about our second lovely child, let me just take a brief moment to re-cap a few events. . .
We had the wonderful privilege to have some great friends join us in KC for a couple weeks. It was truly a glorious reunion as Curt & Beth Luthye shacked up at our house here at the

The icing on the cake was then to have three NTS roomies hang together yet again . . . What does it take for three former roommates to laugh together? Answer: Just being with each other! Johnny, Curt, and Timmy were at again (we had only one regret- Karl Ganske a.k.a Walter was not with us. We miss you Karl!).
John and Brenda, know that our prayers are with
We also want to thank Village Community Church. It has not only been great to worship together when we are not traveling but also for how well you have welcomed us as part of your family. We had a glorious time sharing our stories and what God has laid on our hearts in regards to
Now, if that was not enough for the later half of July, God blessed us with a baby boy! Jeremiah Timothy Whetstone was born at St. Luke's South Hospital on July 28 (Monday- Yes, the day after we spoke at VCC!) at 7:43pm. He weighed in at 6lbs 2ounces and 17 3/4 inches long. Yeah, we know "short and little", well,
Anyway, everyone is doing well. We had a little scare with Jeremiah's breathing when he was first born. But after about 1/2 hour of hell, he started breathing normally. Trust me, that was one of the longest 1/2 hours of our lives. But we have to praise God for yet another healthy baby and praise Him again, and again, and again. And we must thank you- ALL our family and friends who have been praying. Danielle did amazing. . . in fact, she nearly laughed Jeremiah out (call her if ya wanna know the rest of that story!).
Natalie is doing great. She loves kissing and playing with him, like he's the best "baby doll" she ever had. But I think she's probably still wondering why we he's still around? I'm doing pretty good. Pulling double duty but loving it and I would not
August is going to be busy with family stuff and we could still use your prayers with . . .
Our new family growth. . .
A healthy recovery for Danielle . . .
Finalizing when and how we are going to move to Singapore . . .
Financial support- More members in our fellowship are desperately needed. . .
Our having to move out of the house we recently moved into. We need to figure out what we are going to do both for the short-term and the long-term!
Until next time, thank you and enjoy the pictures!
Loving life,
Tim, D, Nat, and Jeremiah!