Last Chapel

Hello Friends! More blogging will come soon but for today...

I preached my last chapel sermon today as PLNU Chaplain. Not sure what the future holds or where we are headed. . . but I am certain that God is with me and my family. 

As I preached today from 2 Kings 5, may we all be encouraged and reminded that no matter what happens in life and despite any circumstance, that; 

We are children of God
We are loved by God
We can and must give love away for love can not be hoarded!

Thank you PLNU (especially you students) for allowing me the chance to serve these past four years. 

#letthenewnessbegin #plnuchapel

You can listen to the sermon on ITunesU - Just search "PLNU Chapel Spring 2016

There is also a link at


Roger B. (Ames, IA) said…
Tks for the update. 4 yrs at PL has had to be grand! Trust God will lay out directions - as He always does - in His timing. Kids are coming up fast! Tks for all the pics. May you continue to see God's hand moving in these volatile times. Blessings to you and the fam.

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