Happy New Year and Danielle is Expecting . . .

Greetings to everyone this last day of 2007!

We will update more on our most recent events in our next blog for now we'd like to ponder and pose a few thoughts . . . (Don't worry I'm already growing my goatee back!!)

Every time I come to the close of one year and the beginning of a new one I tend to contemplate a bit on what might possibly lie ahead and I realize how much I've already been through in the few years of my existence. Yet, even more than wondering. . . I am filled with an excitement and a heavy dosage of anticipation of how I get to be involved in what God is doing around the world.

I've always wanted to travel as a young man, but as I grow more and more in love with my Lord, I see how travel finds a whole lot more meaning when I'm a part of His Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven. . . If I'm traveling just for travel sake it just seems selfish. Now, I understand vacations, holidays, break-time and a "sabbath" i.e., rest. But what happens when I'm rested and all I'm doing is traveling for (self)pleasure?

Happy New Year! I began this entry yesterday, but with children and family around it take a little while to get things done! :-) . . .

Anyway, as the new year begins, my thoughts go toward prayer again and the desire for this love affair to grow even deeper. It seems that some of my thoughts could be summed up in this quote;

" The biblical Christian can only pray empty-handed. . . Or as Augustine observed,'The best disposition for praying is that of being desolate, forsaken, stripped of everything'. . . Our hope depends not on the right technique, or the proper phrase or gesture, which borders on magic, but on the promise of God to look with favor on those who throw themselves on his mercy and who acknowledge the efficacy of the atoning sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ, for their redemption. As I see it, true prayer is . . . the outpouring of the soul before a living God, the crying to God 'out of the depths.' True prayer is an encounter with the Holy. . . [where] we are impelled not only to bow before God and seek his mercy but also to offer thanksgiving for grace that goes out to undeserving sinners." - Donald G. Bloesch

So here it is that I stand today on the brink of this new year. I stand or is that bow, before my most gracious Lord and seek that true prayer - an outpouring of my soul. I thank my God for his grace and mercy upon this undeserving sinner, and pray that I remain open-handed . . . stripped of everything as I plead for His filling and re-filling daily in my life.

Newness lies ahead, a lot of newness - a one year old child's growth, a new country, a new language, another new baby, and I assume much more that fills the gaps between these grand experiences. Yet I hope in the strength, wisdom, and the gifts of faith and trust to continue to abide with the God who supplies these great and deep needs.

We do have a few requests:

1. We are in desperate need of raising more financial support in order to even make the move to Singapore. If you would like to help, please email us.
2. We are praying for healing for my father and mother. And for continued health of both of a few pregnant family members - Danielle, and my sister Christina. (And everyone is excited about the new family members, especially the soon to become sisters!)
3. Continued protection and strength in these days of travel.

We are blessed to be in the process of having another child. Danielle is just about 2 months pregnant and doing terrific! Please keep us in your prayers as we have yet another month out east, and then a couple weeks in California of speaking engagements. We are hoping that Danielle will have the strength to make it to all of these as well as make the move to Singapore.

Happy New Year and have a glorious first & second day of 2008!

. . . Sometimes Natalie gets carried away on the "juice"! :-)


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