Grace Found In The Wilderness
Believing God is good all the time can be difficult. In faith, however, we believe God so loved the cosmos and cared so deeply about creation and all those who inhabit it - yeah, humans - that God came among us and became us. God came to "flesh" out His love story. In other words, God loved and trusted humanity so much that God became us.
Born during the Roman Empire which governed with brutality and terror, Jesus' family experienced genocide during a time of classism and racism, before becoming refugees. Yet, still God came, because God is love and love gives itself even when it may be rejected.
Have you ever been rejected?
Have you every tried to recoil or get away from those who may have rejected you?
Has rejection lead to anger, bitterness, resentment, or even depression?
Jesus faced rejection and still loved and called others to love. Jesus called people to follow him and learn about a faithful, good, loving, Father God. Years after Christ left the earth, one who decided to follow Jesus, Paul, reminds would be followers in his letters that God calls all of us, even in the midst of our own darkness and journeys to love as well. Before God revealed in flesh, the prophet Micah announced that God lifts people out of destruction and into hope. And out of God's deep grace and love, God still does.
The prophet Jeremiah also brought a powerful word from the Lord regarding such living even in the midst of the wilderness.
"The Lord proclaims: The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness. As Israel searched for a place of rest, the Lord appeared to them from a distance; [and said] I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. And so with unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself. Again, I will build you up, and you will be rebuilt. . . Again, you will play with tambourines and dance with joy. Again, you will plant and then enjoy the harvests. The time will come. . . Get Ready!"
I'm fascinated with these words from the Lord through Jeremiah (ch:31) for several reasons.
While in no way am I comparing my pain with the Israelites' "sword" and survival, I do recognize that grief and loss are real and there are multiple types of swords in all our lives. These recent years I have experienced loss and survival and very much a wilderness journey.
I also recognize that restlessness is real in the wilderness. Interestingly, enough, the Lord does not wait for the Israelites to become restful before God comes to them. The Lord does not wait for them to find their way out of the wilderness before appearing or revealing. I too can testfy, that God does come while we struggle to find rest and it's in that appearing that I've been affirmed of God's love and found restfulness in God's presence.
I'm a slow learner and it takes me a while to get it a lot of times. I've not always recognized the God who comes in my restlessness wandering, but at times, I've noticed the Lord revealed; through Scripture, a seemingly random encouraging text, or from an overwhelming sense of affirming love as a child of God while skiing in the mountains. In other words, God keeps showing up full of grace in ways I'd never expect.
Grace can be found in the wilderness.
Interestingly enough, the Lord does not pull the Israelites out of the desert, nor did Jesus leave when his family faced adversity almost immediately after his birth. Instead, the Lord meets them in their restless survival and not only is grace found, but they are affirmed of God's forever, never giving up, never stopping, always expanding love for them as his children. And the time will come... [to] Get Ready for something new.
This time has come for me now. I do not feel out of the wilderness at this time, but the time has come to be ready for something new.
While still in the desert, I feel an overwhelming abundance of grace and love.
While still in the desert, I hear my Lord declaring love over me while I step into a new season, new work, . . . newness.
In Christ Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, God faithfully calls, strengthens, and empowers us to be a people of peace, love, and full of grace no matter our season of life. As the Church we live between two mysteries - Christ having come as a baby and Christ yet to return in full glory. We celebrate the Emmanuel - God with us. We celebrate the Epiphany - God who reveals himself to the entire world in ways we never expect. And we celebrate the God within us.
A life like this requires trust. Trusting that, even when life does not happen as we expect - especially because not all of what happens in life is from God, but nevertheless, God is still with us. God still loves us. God still longs to be revealed through us as well.
Can we trust in this God - One who always loves and never abandons?
As I mentioned earlier, newness is coming our way. I was living in hopeful trust that God was making a way in this desert for me to be engaged in some sort of ministry again. While, I know that God uses me vocationally in ministry everyday (if I so choose), I was hoping that some avenues would open up for me yet again occupationally. While we kept praying and seeking discernment, a small alleyway appeared. Danielle and I decided to walk down this small way and God met us there.
The God who comes, came again in a way we never expected.
This new season is going to be filled with a brand new opportunity to serve the Church and in university ministry again. I am honored to announce that I've accepted the position as the National Director of Church Engagement with InterVarsity. While there is a lot to learn, a lot to develop in this position, and the daunting task of raising financial and prayer support, grace has been found in the wilderness.
The God who comes has come in love and again in a way we would have never expected.
I pray that whatever wilderness or desert you may be traversing, that you are encouraged to find the strength to keep stepping. Trust that God is good - in faith - even when you may not recognize that God is with you or even within you. Trust that even in the midst of: rejection, loneliness, depression, doubt, or ambiguity, grace can be found in these most unexpected spaces. Jesus still comes to be with you, to be within you, to love and love through you.
May these be words of grace and hope to you:
God loves you with a love that lasts forever. And so with unfailing love, the Lord has drawn you to himself, and will never, ever, stop loving you.
Grace and rest are found in the wilderness, where God meets us and declares love over us.