28 Days of Prayer - Day 1
28 Days of Prayer Meanderings - Day 1: I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Meandering: Augustine
once said, “True, whole prayer is nothing but love.” Really? Could that
actually be truth? Is it possible to have such a way about oneself (or within
oneself) that one’s conversation or prayer life is less about the words and
much more about a love affair with the One who is listening, talking, and
transforming even the very conversation within the relationship? If that’s true
then, what now? Or better yet, “how now?” How do I move forward in my love
affair (also known as prayer life) with the One who loves more than we could ever imagine?

I believe, Richard Foster
offers us a great place to start in what he calls “simple prayer.” Basically, we
bring our concerns, our needs and circumstances - all of ourselves – to God-
the great Lover, even if they seem petty, selfish or insignificant. We tell God
everything – share our heart and mind! Throughout these next days I hope to engage
in this act of simple prayer and share everything with my heavenly Father who
loves me so very much. I hope to climb up in his lap and give myself to him in
love - because, honestly, what Father in his right mind would kick his child of his lap (even if he the child does fall asleep)?

Once again, I cry in my infancy as a child of the king, “Dear
God, I am so grateful for your invitation to enter your heart of love. As best
I can I come in. Thank you for receiving me. Amen.”(Richard Foster)
After Thought: Rejoice
and give thanks. Fall in love with Him through thankfulness.