A NEW START, really God?

Well... It’s been just over a year since we made the move to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA area. Some reading this post know how difficult of a journey we've had over the past 5 years . . . with much ambiguity, even in the midst of faith-filled persistence. A faith that we’ve most definitely held tightly to in some very dark times as well as Light-filled ones too. But it's a beautifully strange thing to truly embrace the reality, that you are in the midst of a story - a story that will nevertheless be filled with joy, sorrow, love, and pain. And even more, for one like me, a believer in Christ, I find a peace in knowing that the great Author (who I get to co-write this story of life with), is in all things working "for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28)
I would be remiss to not thank the hundreds of people still praying for us five little Whetstones.
The following post may seem like just another crazy adventure
for the Whetstones to some, while strangely odd to others. . . . Because one little journey with the Whetstone's can seem like a grand adventure of unexpected twists, turns, and a whole lot of moving around!
So, just over a year ago we came to this area to serve with a very small fellowship (church group). After doing our best to shepherd the fellowship through some tough change and move forward in God's mission, just 5 ½ months later it was decided that that church would become inactive. After some incredibly dark and gloomy weeks, God has brought forth his promise of “beauty from ashes”.

God had already begun growing something New in His mysteriously beautiful way. He truly did birth a new fellowship, called New Start Church of the Nazarene which has given both Danielle and I a renewed sense of calling to missions and to ministry. And I am just incredibly blessed to be their pastor.
So, just over a year ago we came to this area to serve with a very small fellowship (church group). After doing our best to shepherd the fellowship through some tough change and move forward in God's mission, just 5 ½ months later it was decided that that church would become inactive. After some incredibly dark and gloomy weeks, God has brought forth his promise of “beauty from ashes”.

God had already begun growing something New in His mysteriously beautiful way. He truly did birth a new fellowship, called New Start Church of the Nazarene which has given both Danielle and I a renewed sense of calling to missions and to ministry. And I am just incredibly blessed to be their pastor.
This fellowship has a deep desire to grow in Christ while
being openly honest and authentic in their journeys. Together we are figuring out what it
means to be a fellowship who truly is about His will and His kingdom coming on
earth as it is in heaven. We’ve seen this small group in less than 4
months already live out a true Acts 2 fellowship in an Acts 29 world. They’ve
worshiped, broken bread, shared their belongings, opened their homes, lent a helping
hand, given rides, donated, given, and just downright been honest about their
need for more of Christ. I am
so grateful to be their shepherd and even more to
be shaped by them as well. They truly are learning how to be the priesthood of
all believers as we learn what it means to be a New Start – that is,
ones who say, “Yes” to the King who declares in Revelation 21:5, “Behold I am
making all things new”, while seeking an ongoing transformation in Christ daily.
The Lord has been so incredibly
faithful through the entire journey - as always - that we can’t deny His hand in
this new work. And in the midst of all this, we have been blessed and privileged
in other ways as well:
- We had family visit. Thank you Jon and Sharon (Danielle’s
folks) for coming and living up to their titles “Grammi and Papa Murray!” They
did all they could to love on their grandkids and the kids held nothing back from
receiving! We also had a short visit from our cousins – Obed and
Espada! It was awesome to just staycation for a few days with them in
the Pittsburgh area. And then Barry Whetstone (Tim’s dad) and Micah Jones (our
nephew) came to visit as well! A double bonus for us and the kids.

- I (Tim) have been honored with another non-paying job! That is the great responsibility of being a new mission director within the Church of the Nazarene. I was elected by the district (area of churches) to be the new Nazarene Missions International President for the Pittsburgh District. I love what I do and have little clue as to what I am doing!
- I (Tim) have also received another job as well. Tim’s back teaching once again and this time more extension classes for Nazarene Bible College through the Alliance program that is localized in the Pittsburgh area.
- Danielle has also received another faith-based job beside
the ton of work she’s helping me with at New Start Naz (like the design of the
new logo, to name just one of many). She has been
helping the Global
Nazarene Missions International with some design and power point work!
- Natalie played on her first soccer team! She had fun making friends, following a little ball around the field and even scoring a few goals! AND she's started going to the "Big Kid School"- Kindergarten!
-Tim & Danielle were once again honored to be at Centralia Church of the Nazarene (Washington) as guest missionary speakers. It was a wonderful time reconnecting with old
friends, sharing about God's challenge to Go! Even When It Seems Like We Aren't Going Anywhere. We were also able to see some family and this was actually our first trip WITHOUT THE KIDS! :-) AWESOME!
- Throughout this journey we've celebrated a few landmarks along the way. Danielle and I celebrated our 11-year Anniversary in May (and
it’s still awesome). Jeremiah turned 4 in July while Danielle got
younger on the 4th of July. And our littlest boy Caleb turned 2
on August 20! Needless to say, we’ve been doing a little partying!

- Natalie played on her first soccer team! She had fun making friends, following a little ball around the field and even scoring a few goals! AND she's started going to the "Big Kid School"- Kindergarten!
-Tim & Danielle were once again honored to be at Centralia Church of the Nazarene (Washington) as guest missionary speakers. It was a wonderful time reconnecting with old

-We also got to go to Michigan once again where Danielle and I
attended my 20-year High School reunion - Go Chemics! (Wanna know what a "chemic" is write me). We spoke at three
churches in less than 8 days, and hit the beach 4 times with some family who
live out on “the Thumb” while also throwing in a spontaneous Birthday Party for our two boys and my nephew!
Thank you; Blue Water Church of the Nazarene; MidlandCommunity Church of the Nazarene & Woodview Church of the Nazarene! It was an honor and blessing to reconnect with many old friends, make new ones, and share about God’s mission for us all.

Thank you; Blue Water Church of the Nazarene; MidlandCommunity Church of the Nazarene & Woodview Church of the Nazarene! It was an honor and blessing to reconnect with many old friends, make new ones, and share about God’s mission for us all.
- From Michigan, we returned home to go directly to Family Camp in
Butler, PA where I (Tim) was the speaker for the youth all week.
It was an interestingly fun week as we navigated exhausted kids, late
events, and hot days where our kids could not get enough of a muddy
slip-n-slide! Thank you Pittsburgh Nazarene Youth for inviting me to speak. It
was an honor and blessing!

Lastly, don’t stop praying for us! We have a long road ahead
of us with this new work – New Start Church of the Nazarene; Tim's
new mission jobs, Danielle's continual work at
Starbucks, Tim's teaching jobs, and
of course our incredible short-term/full-time parenting of three kids!
If you’re interested in knowing more about New Start, Tim’s availability to teach/preach, or what’s happening on a more personal level please don’t hesitate to contact us at newstartnaz@gmail.com
And we’ll do our best to post sooner than 6 months from now!
If you’re interested in knowing more about New Start, Tim’s availability to teach/preach, or what’s happening on a more personal level please don’t hesitate to contact us at newstartnaz@gmail.com
And we’ll do our best to post sooner than 6 months from now!
Until next time, peace to you all and here’s a little video that should bring a