From Head to Foot . . . 2012

Life in the greater Pittsburgh area has been treating us really well. We love the South Hills area and our kids have been enjoying as much of the great outdoors as possible, especially since we've had a very mild winter - that is, of course up until today where it's a nice 18 F (-8 Cel) and snowing! FUN... Tim was officially installed as Pastor of Chartiers Creek Church (we've got pictures to prove it), and with it has come a great amount of adjustments

Jer's adjusted really well to school since beginning in November and Nat of course is loving it as always (especially two boys from class whom she talks about daily...). However, we've noticed that Caleb seems to think that his parents are cruel and sadistic when we take him to drop-in. Not that he's expressed it so much in words as in action and yelling. Basically, the moment we turn down the hallway to the room where he knows he's getting dropped off, he grabs a hold of my arms and then my ear begins to ring

So without further adu, here are the highlights (visit the pics here);
- Tim and Natalie both had birthdays in late November. In celebration of Tim's young 38, he decided to pick up soccer once again after a two year hiatus. It feels good especially since he's scored two goals in two games! And Natalie got treated like a princess with all her incredible gifts and a party at her school with cupcakes she helped Mama make for all her friends!

- Danielle's been working pretty much full-time at Bucks, especially due to the holidays while throwing yet another Baby Shower for one of her colleagues and two Christmas parties at our house! I don't know how she does it, but she does it well! My only regret this past Christmas season was that she did not have time to bake as much as she usually does! But then again, my body was probably grateful! And her and Nat had a fun "dress up" for New Year's Eve!

- Christmas, as mentioned earlier, was filled with a whole new world of calendar events (kids' school parties, preschool plays, church events, etc.) as well as some wonderful learning experiences as Tim helped guide the Chartiers Creek Church family through the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany season. One of the greatest highlights was an Advent Candle Light Service we were privileged to hold at a local coffee shop, Farmhouse Coffee. We are a fellowship that seeks to "love deeply and connect others to Christ", and this was just one way that we were able to do that in our greater community! We'd love for you to check out our new Chartiers Creek Church of the Nazarene web site if you don't mind a little construction

- Tim has been enjoying some writing lately and you're welcome to check it out on the Chartiers Creek Church Facebook page. Please leave your comments and/or join the conversation - there will be more to come. . .
- Tim (and the family) had the privilege of attending and speaking at yet another youth retreat in Lebanon, PA this past fall. It was a wonderful time spent with a couple different youth groups hosted by Bell Air Church of the Nazarene.

- Tim's also VERY AVAILABLE for more speaking engagements, family life workshops (parenting, marriage, youth, etc.), mission events or even retreats/camps. The Lord continues to meet our needs and we're trusting Him to continue to do so, but this is most definitely one way in which Tim can offer his gifts, experience and knowledge to help our tight finances. . . Please contact Tim for more details and/or click here for a list of possible workshops.
Finally, here are a few things that we need your prayer support and/or help with:
1. Patience and perseverance as we continue to serve in a new area, new culture, new fellowship, new-ness! Augustine once said, "A Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot" and this is our prayer as we serve in our community, at Chartiers, at Starbucks, in all that we do! May everyone see where our "alleluia" is and comes from!
2. Praise the Lord for his provision of a second car which we most desperately needed especially since D's back working. Yet, we're in need of His provision to help pay off the bills that have come along with the necessary work and maintenance.

3. We're still in need of a computer that Tim (and the kids) can use at home. . .
4. Still working hard to get back on solid footing financially. It's a whole lot more expensive to set-up home when you're starting with very little after living overseas! God has however, showered us with help from many, yet, we've still got Tim's MA school loans. . . :-)
5. Always looking for help (hand-me-downs are awesome) with the kids clothes and shoes - they keep growing, what's up with that?!
Ultimately, we must again let you know that we are so incredibly grateful for all the love, support and friendships. Thank you everyone and we pray that your new 2012 year is an incredible one filled with much love and blessing!
And enjoy this little clip from the Whetpebbles . . .