10 years of marriage, another baby dedication and still faith-employed?!

"Honey, would you like to go on an amazing journey? How about living in places like Italy or Singapore? And then in 10 years what if we settle down at my parents house with three kids and be unemployed! Will you marry me, babe?"
I know that sounds quite funny and maybe even downright dumb. It's not actually how my proposal went 10 years ago on the cliffs in San Diego,
California. But life has a funny way of unfolding differently than one expects. As a believer I might even say that God has a strange way of working out His will through our lives in the most peculiar and suffering ways. Truthfully, at times, I have no idea what that even means and so I guess that's where faith and life collide, hmm!

So, here I sit in my parents home after 12 months of job searching, 10 years of marriage and three kids later - which you can get a visual of on Picasa here or Facebook here - and I'm wondering why it is that faith or trust and life have to collide so drastically most of the time?
Maybe my marriage would be a good image example of how my Christian faith journey sort
of looks like. . . Even though my proposal 10 years ago was filled with excitement and anticipation of our married life starting out in Italy, I still had no idea what sort of conflict or for that matter crisis would come our way. As it's been said before, "You may not have any interest in conflict, but it's most definitely interested in you and your family"! So, I was sure it would come sooner or later.

Sure, my head and heart were filled with a somewhat, and most likely naive love but not without a definite understanding that this married life I was walking (or in those days running and jumping) into demanded commitment. A commitment to Danielle, to keep going in both the good and the bad, and to especially keep going when all my expectations might be shattered.
You see, I not only committed to my wife in one of the most gorgeous meadows (where even some deer came to visit) on that glorious day 10 years ago in Placerville, CA. But I committed to something bigger than her or I. I committed to a married life filled with faith.
On my own, I would most likely have failed in my marriage long ago and if not, especially during these dark times that have seem to permeate our lives this past year and half. I know that I can't do this faith-filled life on my own and it's been evidently clear that I've needed those special communities along the way; my close friends even though they may have been scattered throughout the globe, my family in all the various ways they have graced us, and especially my kids and my incredible wife - such an amazing woman she truly is! But most of all, I owe everything to
my God for providing just what I've (and we've) needed when I've needed it. For example:

My youngest son's baby baptismal. Caleb Josiah Whetstone was dedicated at Life Now Naz in Felton, DE not too long ago encouraging both his father and mother (and I'm sure a few others) that new life brings new hopes and challenges of course, but hope nonetheless!
This was also followed up with an all expense paid vacation with Danielle's folks down at Ocean City, MD!
Thank you Jon and Sharon Murray!

Our new start church Life Now. The group has been growing deeper in their faith which has been evident in both word and deed! For example, an amazing Easter Breakfast service @ the Whetstone's and our Felton Family Fun Day were both
huge successes for our little group of 15. It was awesome to hand out free water, cookies and balloons at the Fun Day and be reminded that this is really what it's all about - Sharing the love of Christ and gracing others.

The chance to do another Parenting workshop. Crossroads Nazarene invited me to do something I love (and check out the flyer Danielle designed too). Again, I was reminded that He does want me to be involved in things I enjoy and as always provides me those opportunities.

Tim was graced with another temporary landscaping job which helped pay several bills that came our way last month. Thank you Crossroads. And as usual, God provided the exact amount of money we needed! Note: We did this at the same time while watching my sister's three children as well. Yeah, ya got it - D basically watched 6 kids at one time . . . She rocks!
Tim also had the chance to speak at the Gaithersburg Nazarene youth retreat. It was a wonderful opportunity to preach, teach and just be
with some really fantastic people. And an incredible getaway for my entire family in the hills of Pennsylvania!

The opportunity to lead music and preach at Seaford Nazarene during their pastoral transition. It's been a blessing to collaborate together with Life Now and Seaford Naz in corporate worship services. And to see my kids enjoying church and some new friends!
Finally, through a faith that continues to seek His desire for my life as a father, husband, and servant in being a part of His kingdom and His will coming on earth just as it is in
Heaven - even if that means being faith-employed at the present moment!

It's in this time that I hang even more tightly to His promise that "He has not given up on me, and He will never leave me" (or my family) and that “We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Eph 2:10).
Thank you everyone and thank you Lord! Until next time check out this little video of us just having some fun:
Thanks for another great blog story and photos. Loved the video clip also. We love you guys forever and continue to pray for open doors in God's Kingdom for your family.
Daniel and Carol Ketchum