What do Phone Books, a youth Retreat, a Broken Transmision and an EBT card have in common?

It's been about 10 months now that I've been looking for a new job and strangely enough I find that ancient Hebrew proverb to be more true than ever... Maybe I am growing in my faith? A few promising opportunities seemed to begin to flourish yet in the end, they've failed to bloom- well at least for me. On top of what

This may sound like a terrible winter storm or a time in the wilderness and it just may be. Yet, it took a couple weeks of delivering phone books and a really long trip to Michigan to get my brain (or better yet, my heart) re-focused on why I'm still where I am.

It's been about three months since my last blog post and I held off writing because I kept thinking that something GRAND was going to happen. I kept thinking that some big job or event of bliss was going to take place. Sometimes I would wonder if just possibly I had made a wrong decision about one of the possible jobs that had come my way even though I know they did not fit me or my family. But then . . .
A little job like delivering some local phone books came my way. It was a definite family affair where we loaded up our mini-van daily for about two weeks and delivered as many books as we could - when you've got three little ones riding around in the van too. :-) The pay check was tiny but it paid for an unexpected bill we received. Then a friend of mine asked me to speak at his youth retreat in Michigan and my uncle asked if we could come and speak at the

We were blessed to have spoken at Marysville Church of the Nazarene in Ohio and Metropolitan Church of the Nazarene in Roseville, MI and even have the great opportunity to reconnect with three of Tim's high school friends from Midland, MI whom he had not seen in 19 years as well as some missionary friends from Italy whom we had not seen for about 4 years. Check out

Danielle was pulling out of my Uncle's driveway when our trusty mini-van decided it was time for its transmission to go out! Long story short, we were recommended to some mechanics who fixed our transmission for as low a cost as possible and we began to remember something . . .
That ancient Hebrew proverb came to mind and we realized a few things; the transmission went out in the best place possible (ok... it not going out at all would have been better)- my uncles driveway . . . we were not stranded on some snow banked highway with three little ones in the

I was also reminded that in the midst of trial I've been able to do what I love - speak and teach and even church plant. . .We've had a roof over our head, healthy kids, transportation (nearly all the time), opportunities to travel together, an extraordinary amount of time together as a family, and every need we've had has been met. And most importantly, not because of someone or some amazing self-made entrepreneurship, but because of the One "who directs our steps".

Thanks for all those who actually read the entire blog. I'm sorry it's been so long but it has been three months. We appreciate your love and support and if you are interested in helping in the new work we're involved in at Life Now Nazarene you can give gifts directly here on our web site or you can give charitable contributions to the Mid-Atlantic Nazarene District earmarked: Life Now Nazarene (Whetstone). If you need more detailed information,

Until next time live and love in His power!
Grace and Peace,
Hopefully well see you Sunday...