2 Months. . . 2 Years Old. . . To Be Continued. . .

It's been a little over two months since we arrived stateside and said our goodbyes to some great friends in Singapore. If you'd like to check out our last days photo's click here.
A lot has happened since then - including our boy Jeremiah turning 2 last month - and we'll give you a quick bulleted update, but first we'd like to share an important lesson we seem to be learning even more intimately these days.
There's a story of a two little boys who went to the dentist one day together. When the dentist called them in he asked; "What can I do for you boys?" One of the boys boldly said, "I want a tooth taken out and I don't want any gas or want it deadened because we're in a hurry!" The dentist of course was extremely impressed and he said "You're quite a brave young man. Which tooth is it then?" The boy turned to his smaller friend and said, "Show him your tooth, Timmy!"

This story raises a number of issues but one that came to mind was . . . It seems that there are times when others have an immense amount of courage... for the person next to them. They'll offer up someone else as a sacrifice. And they seem to be incredibly quick to tell someone in pain to not worry, cause the "Dr" will take care of it.
Granted the story I shared earlier is basically, just a funny one, but I feel it illustrates an invaluable lesson all of us need to remember. The pain and trials that others are facing don't always have a quick solution and most always hurts the person in pain more than the one willing to find the "help". It also reminds us that we need to move away from merely offering up courage for others and instead be the ones living courageously. This may mean that we need to be humbled or it just may mean that we need to trust in the One who gives courage to the fearful.
Strangely enough during this time of transition a lot of people have told us either how courageous we are or to not be afraid and just keep trusting in the Lord for He will take care of us. There have been times where I've wanted to say, "well that's easier said than done because you're not the one in need of a job, trying to raise two kids, while your wife is pregnant and expecting our third baby any day, and living with parents!" But there has also been times where I have nodded and simply said, "We're not afraid because our courage comes from the One who has already gone before us and so we will persevere - keep on keepin' on!"
Does it seem strange to vacillate between the two? I don't think so. I think that's what makes my faith life exciting or is that nerve wracking?! A faith in a God who wants to continue to shape my character and if that means taking some courageous steps into the unknown, living on pennies, or having to turn down a job because it's not really where my gifts are. . . so be it! Yet, I always hope to be in a place where I'm humbly trusting in the One who "has overcome", while persevering even in a place of ambiguity!

So, I guess I'm challenging us all to not just be the courageous ones for others - because there is a time and place for that too - but ones who can courageously say; "here I am Lord, pull whatever tooth you need to in order to shape me to be more and more like you!"
Now, what have we been up to?
1. D's getting bigger and bigger and looking incredibly beautiful all the time!
2. Baby is due shortly... D's hoping before the September 4 due date!
3. Tim is in the process of finding a job. He's got two opportunities which may or may not work out. He's always open to hearing about any other ministry opportunities!!! (seriously, call me)
4. We will be finishing our contract with World Mission at the end of September and be stateside living somewhere, doing something, and yet always being salt and light in His grace.
5. The kids have been playing with their cousins, enjoying the summer days, wearing out their family, and loving life to the fullest.

6. We will begin speaking at a few churches this month and through October. If you'd like us to come and share at your church, small group, gathering, etc., don't hesitate to contact us. (seriously, call me)
7. We've been living with Tim's folks but hope to find a job and a place of our own by September! They have been incredibly gracious and helpful during this time but we're sure they are ready for a bit more quite than a family with toddlers has to offer! :-)
8. We purchased our fist piece of furniture - a kid's picnic table. Our kids are messy - enough said!
9. We tried to throw a surprise birthday/anniversary/years-in-ministry party for Tim's folks, but instead were infected with the "pink eye plague". Jeremiah contracted it first and then it spread to daddy, mommy and grammy! It's all gone now and for that we are happy.

10. We purchased a mini-van! Yes, we've arrived. We are officially an American family... whatever that means. But as our fate would have it, two days after our purchase, the A/C went out. After a quick repair, we got it back to only have it go out on a two hour journey with the kids five days later. Long story short, it finally got fixed after the new evaporator was pulled for a second time because it even had a faulty part! :-) It's always a fun time with us and cars. . . Maybe that's why we decided against having them in Italy and then again in Singapore?! :-)

Well, Tim should be posting more frequently now . . . For sure after our baby boy is born. But until next time let us seek to persevere and live a courageous life which begins in humbly trusting our heavenly Father in all circumstance no matter the trials, people, or even the great ambiguity that may exist.
From somewhere on the journey, to be continued. . .