Right in the middle of . . .

Anyway, we're enjoying the "jig walk" right now. Because we know (as so often all our older friends and family keep telling us) "Just wait until he's
Alright, now that we're into the blog, we'd also like to thank the many of you who have been remembering us lately in a variety of ways (prayers, emails, cards, packages, skype, etc.). We have felt so blessed and thankful. So
Since it's been over a month since we last blogged, we thought you'd enjoy a short update. So here goes:
Jeremiah and Natalie have been healthy for the first time since we moved her longer than 3 weeks. In fact, it's been nearly 7 weeks! PTL

Danielle is doing an amazing job at work yet misses the kids immensely. Maybe a more ideal situation will work out in the future, but for now, we do feel that this is the best fit. She's also had a couple opportunities to help teach some young girls how to bake. AND she in her

Tim's speaking over the past several months has averaged out to be about 2-3 times per week at various schools, corporations, government agencies, churches, and even open forums. This has helped financially but even more,
We had spent the first six months visiting various churches throughout Singapore and are now helping a small church plant on a fairly regular basis. The pastor and wife are friends of ours and have welcomed us warmly. We are looking forward to partnering with them in a variety of ways as He leads us. Tim's already preached once and played drums for the worship team...
We had a GREAT opportunity to help out at our apartment estates National Day celebration. We helped organize and run some games for the children (4-12 year olds) and Tim Emceed the entire event. We know, it seemed like a joke to us too, that on Singapore's National Day they asked a foreigner to emcee! :-)
Anyway, we had a ton of fun and it's opened up some great opportunities make some friends with our neighbors! And truthfully, this is something that we CAN DO as parents of two small children.
A few things to keep in your thoughts with us are:
D's baking classes that have begun
Tim's speaking opportunities continue to grow
Natalie and Jeremiah... growing, continued changes, building
Natalie starting school in January
Our hopes of starting a per-marital/marriage enrichment workshop for a number of couples. We REALLY hope that this happens soon!
A possible business endeavor which could help us in the future...
Finally, even in the midst of finding our rhythm, we have done our best to keep our "sabbath". The beach was a great getaway last

Thanks again and peace be with you all.
Enjoy this little video clip even though it's a bit old, because now Jeremiah's totally given up crawling and "he do it all by himself" as Nat would say!
Wow, Jeremiah is walking!Your ministry is starting to cook! Life is beginning to settle in for you in Singapore. Blessings on you all as you experience grace upon grace.
We're praying and cheering for you. Wish we could be creative with you in SE Asia.