Tragedy Strikes. . .

It was a beautiful day as we woke to celebrate our son Jeremiah’s 1 year of life! Yes, he’s 1 years old now (which you can find out more about our celebration on the whetpebbles page) and nearly walking all on his own… among other things of course. As we headed out for the day we had no idea what had taken place to one of our new friends here in Singapore…

They say Singapore is one of the safest countries in the world. And it is! They also say that “low crime does not mean no crime”, and this is more true to us now than ever. As a product of the “Big Apple- NYC” (shout out to Flushing, Queens especially!), I experienced crime all around me and nearly on a daily basis. I've been personally mugged, jumped, and robbed. But truthfully I had never experienced a murder of a close friend. Yes, you did read that correctly. The police are still investigating and therefore, it’s technically an “alleged murder”, but nonetheless, tragedy has struck.

As we were having fun swimming and eating with some of our Naz friends, Danielle received a most disturbing text message. It stated that the young security guard girl at our apartment complex was allegedly beaten by her roommates and then hung to make it look like a suicide. It hit us hard – in the short time that we’ve lived here she had become a friend. Someone we looked forward to seeing during our comings and goings and someone that loved our children.

Many of you are probably reading this and wondering why I put in the details. . . Simply, it is a reality that I must share. My stomach and heart ached for days and truthfully it still does. It made me go to my knees in prayer several times. Questions of “why” arose, but mainly lament came off my tongue in prayer for our deceased friend’s family and friends, and that hope would come out of such devastation. She was a beautiful young Christian girl in her late 20’s. We don’t know the full story of course but I am even more convinced of how we must daily live intentional lives for the other and not for self.

We were celebrating Jeremiah’s 1 year birthday and a life was taken prematurely. This may be a grand scale experience of joy and sorrow kissing each other for us mere mortals, but I'm guessing our Lord experiences this as he is involved in His creation. Tragedies and celebrations are happening all around us. Does “not our heart burn”?

As believers we need to be involved in these areas of kingdom work. We need to be a part of what aches our Lord and what He “sings over in celebration”. We need to believe that beauty will come of ashes. Our worship needs to be “work unto the Lord” for His glory. Or maybe I can just say this; live your life abundantly clinging to Christ and I am sure you will experience both joy and sorrow kissing each other!

Please don’t go away from this blog thinking that I want people to seek out despair or sorrow. No, I want us as believers to realize that it tragedy strikes us all and abundant living calls us to a life of suffering. But in and through our suffering we are shaped to be Godbearers of truth, hope, character, grace, and love.

So experience happiness and joy. Let us most certainly not disregard the many celebratory events that take place in our lives. God truly is among us and loves for us to celebrate life, like my son’s 1 yr of living (did I mention that you can read more about it on the whetpebbles page), and the fact that our friend is with this same God.

Joy and sorrow did kiss each other that day for me. . . as they do nearly everyday!


Roger B. said…
Seems in an earlier post, you were more frustrated with overall progress towards finding to which God had brought you to Singapore. Is that now past? Does seem so and I trust you are finding peace in the midst of all the change we all seem to be immursed within.
Roger B.
Ames, IA

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