It's Christmas Eve Day in KC and we wanted to send you all a little greeting. . . As little as I can keep it. But don't worry tomorrow will just be a Christmas video "hello"!
Like the title alludes to this entry is a big

thank you to all the great times we have been honored with over the past several weeks by old and new friends! It is true that in the end. . . after everything; the hustle and bustle of life, it's the relationships that count. And trust us, they count immensely both! It's in relationships that we truly witness how joy and sadness can kiss each other at nearly

every moment.
The Christmas season is always filled with joy and sadness. It may

be that you have experienced new birth, like for us when Natalie was born just prior to the Christmas season two years ago. Or you might have experienced sorrow and sadness as a loved one may have passed away during this season as I had when my grandfather passed away over 10 years ago. Yet during this season I am reminded once again that without substantial relationships neither the joy nor the sadness would have been experienced in it's necessary fullness. It was the weeping and celebrating in community that

these moments in my life were truly lived and the memories are honored.
Therefore, as you all celebrate this Christmas Eve Day, what to me is the greatest example of the most ultimate relationship. . . God coming as a baby in diapers. God, who humbled Himself to become man, flesh and bones and in so experienced everything and more we could ever experience. But above all brought us Hope. Not a wish, or something positive to be optimistic about, and not even an attribute of

Himself, but Himself totally. He is the Hope. It's not some abstract idea or even a "great idea", but instead a great person! Our Hope that we rest in, that we look towards, that we speak, or that we hold tightly to in times of crisis and/or exuberance, is Christ Himself- the one who came, still

comes in our daily lives, and who we know is coming again!
As I finish this entry maybe some words from Brenning Manning might be an encouragement as well.
"The Christmas contemplative knows that hope is a gift, an undeserved gift of peace, but that it is also a call to decision- the decision to trust. . .

Hope thrives on the difficult and challenges the conclusion that our only contribution to the world will be, in the words of T.S. Eliot, "an asphalt driveway in front of our home and a thousand lost golf balls." Hope convinces us that in clinging to a miserable sense of security and status quo, the possibility of growth and greatness is utterly defeated. Hope says that I no longer need to be dismayed over my personal dishonesty and self-centeredness and feeble life of faith. That I no longer need to feel defeated, insensitive, and superficial. Because the question no longer is: Can
I do it? Am
I able? Can
I overcome my moodiness, my laziness, my sensuality, my grudges and resentments? The only question is" Is Jesus Christ able? Can my Savior, the Lord of my life, revive my drooping spirit and transform
me at Christmas as he transformed the world through his birth in Bethlehem?"

May these words encourage us all that Hope has come and comes daily as we live in relationship with our Hope - Christ, and as we live out that Hope with others in a life to the fullest, where joy and sadness kiss each other at every moment!
Peace on earth and good will to all men.
p.s. we hit the road for the east coast Christmas Day... but not before we post a Xmas video greeting! and come check out a new photo album on our blog site here and another at
http://whetpebbles.blogspot.com and this little video below: