We're currently back down in Alabama. It's been fun to be back with some friends while making new one's as we travel around the state sharing our stories and raising support for our move to Singapore . . . but more on that in a later blog.
We have literally traveled from coast-to-coast these past couple months. It starter with a short trip to Derby, KS from our temporary home in KC to then board a plane and head out to the Pacific Northwest. What a glorious trip to land that we've not had a chance to visit in quite some time. The Lord blessed us with two amazing churches that invited us to come share and cast a missional challenge. We took advantage, honestly of as much of being out in beautiful country as we could... we visited family on Danielle's side, we took in the sites (waterfall's, wind-surfing, and even Stonehenge, just to name a few), and we had a glorious time seeing old friends while making new ones as we shared about what the mission we are privileged to participate in.
Therefore, we want to thank Goldendale Church of the Nazarene for inviting us to share in their Faith Promise weekend. It was a blessing to share, but most of all to be a part of your family. Thank you for your gracious hospitality and for welcoming us with open arms. May God continue to bless you all and the ministry that He has for you all. We'll also pray that somehow, someway, Starbucks would see the necessity to bring a store near you! :-)
We also want to thank Centralia Church of the Nazarene. Thank you very much for inviting us to participate in your celebration as well as share a vision of partnership as we all move forward together serving God in His wonderful created world. We truly look forward to see how the Lord will bring our fellowship together in creative ways as we journey together, especially in the midst of prayer loving others globally into His Kingdom! Also we must give a huge blogging affectionate embrace to our dear friends the Rydings for showing us more than our little bodies could ever handle-- D especially thanks you for her first visit to Seattle being phenomenal. Honestly, nothing could have been better than a grand tour by locals! We love you all very much.
After a few days back in KC it was another flight for us four. We then headed to the east coast, where we had yet another opportunity to be with family and friends, while also being invited to share at two more churches.
Thanks to Rockville, MD Church of the Nazarene. Even though it may have started off to a bit of a rough start, or better yet, late start, we had a thoroughly great time, sharing life together with you all. Thank you for a great Sunday worship, and an amazing meal filled with great fellowship. May God bless you all and your ministry. And we look forward to fellowshipping together in our future mission assignment.
Seven days later and two states later, we were up in New Jersey once again. This time we were blessed to be back at Edison New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene. It was an honor to be invited to share yet once again and to also be adopted by such a wonderful church. We are anxiously looking forward to seeing how God is going to use our fellowship partnership. Thank you again for everything and may God truly be with you all as you move forward in His Spirit in the Metro area.
Finally, thanks again to everyone. We are sorry that this blog seems to be a bit more of a recap and less narrative . . . but keep staying tuned to the Whetstones Chronicles and our stories will be back, we promise! But, before we sign off we must share one last thing . . . In our coast-to-coast adventure our kids were able and blessed to also be with family-- uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and even TWO GREAT GRANDMAS! Danielle's grandmother came and visited us when we were in Portland, OR with her Uncle Tommy and Aunt Cindy - and when we were in Edison, NJ we stayed with Tim's Abuela. Two incredible GREAT grandmothers, thank you and we love you both very much.
See you all soon and I promise we'll have a new photo album of all our travels posted very soon!