a 4th, a 30something birthday, a couple nice days of fun, and now...
As we starting to make the turn onto
safety. We made it home, got the belt along with our Alternator belt fixed the next morning at a nearby shop, and then headed to Danielle's OBGYJN appointment.
After this incredible welcome back to KC, we've actually been able to enjoy some beautiful weather, an outdoor Free Movie night (the all-time classic Goonie's) at Crown Center, a couple days with Natalie at the pool and/or Splash Water Park, and a couple Kid's Fest stuff . . . while also digging ourselves out of a ton of work that awaited our return. Yet, the return has also been filled with numerous highlighted surprises like; new windows and doors on our rental home! A great cookout at the Casler’s . . . Thanks for a wonderful night of food, fun, and great talks (oh yeah, and Natalie says thanks for the water games too!).
Of course, the 4Th of July has come and gone, but did you know that there was an additionally important celebration happening that day as well? Yes, the birthday of my best friend, the coolest girl in the world, as well as future mom of two, Danielle (a.k.a. D, Dani, and sometimes "Mama")! It was a cool day in KC, which made it even better and even though it may have been lacking in the gifts area, it was filled with family fun and love- I believe?! :-). We love you D!
Now that we are back and most definitely in the swing of things we however don't want to forget to thank the two churches that we had the privilege of sharing at on our way home from after our move to
We also want to thank our newest partners, the congregation but to also have been treated to a wonderful luncheon with a great deal of excellent dialogue on the future of missions. We are blessed to have you praying and supporting us and we continue to partner with you in prayer for
Finally, without making this post too long we'd like to leave you with a short list of soon-to-be-taking-place-events;
-Jeremiah is due August 11Th... Please keep D and the baby in your thoughts.
-Speaking engagements in the KC area and in
-Tim has started helping with worship at the church we are attending in the area.
-Update financial partnership letter to be sent . . .
-Our new home assignment work for World
Thanks again for all those who read and subscribe... we are loved more than we realize. So thank you.