Before we "spring forward", How about a little look back?
First of all, we are doing well even though we still seem to be in the "waiting room". Interestingly enough, we have happened to learn (or is that continually learn) that there is plenty to do in the waiting room- even with a nearly 16month old little girl- does anyone know what that's like?! God does not stop being the same God He is when we find ourselves in a waiting period- in fact, He might just be calling us to wait upon Him for "new strength".
"Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord". . . I think D and I have found that there is a need
You see, we, that is those of us who declare ourselves to be believers of Christ, are in a constant waiting period. We are continuously in the art of becoming. I believe strangely enough that we are in this waiting period of this finite life known as "the engagement period". We are being shaped by the the most patient Lover of all, Jesus our Christ, to be His "Bride".
Interestingly enough, I don't think it's about many brides, but instead one bride united in One body, One Truth, One Faith . . . by our Christ, Jesus. This is why we "eagerly await a Savior . . .the Lord Jesus Christ." We don't sit around doing nothing. And we shouldn't be busy
On February 17th 2008, we had an incredible opportunity to share our stories while also being a part of a church body who is seeking to be in solidarity with the community in which God has

Then on March 6th we headed to the Atlanta, GA area to be with another community of people living out their faith. It was a humble blessing to be invited to their "Global Impact Celebration"(GIC). It was one of the best mission emphasis events that we have ever been privileged to participate in. . . Great job Gracepointe Church of the Nazarene and to the entire GIC crew. Briefly, we were only one couple among 11 other missionary/faith-based organizations represented that week. It was a beautiful mosaic of how God is working both right there in Loganville, GA and around the globe to accomplish His goal of reconciliation through His Church. We not only shared our stories, but truly shared life together as we listened, helped in community work events, prayed, ate, spoke with

Finally, without trying to make this even longer than it already is, please keep us in your prayers . . .
as we continue to prepare to leave for Singapore
with Danielle's pregnancy
the need to raise support for our future in Singapore
for Natalie as she continues to grow, adapt, and be with two incredibly crazy parents . . .
for the ongoing process of helping World Mission with new developments in missionary service through the Church of the Nazarene. . .
and our near-future travels to California, Connecticut, and Massachusetts . . .
Grace and peace to you all, and may you experience deeply the death and resurrection of our King in your lives this Holy Week!