1 Year . . . No More School . . . and we made it!
We made it through a couple of snow days here in KC . . .
We made it through Timmy's 34th birthday. . . I have now officially transitioned into yet another group-- the "mid-thirty's"! So what really do mid-thirtysomethings do?!
We made it through term-papers, projects, reading assignments, and a great semester of grad school at Nazarene Theological
We made it through our First year with our baby girl Natalie! (or maybe that's she made it through her first year with us!)
It's been an incredible year . . . moving to Daphne, AL to help with a church plant. . . having a baby and growing daily with her in so many different ways. . . moving to KC to begin training for another missionary assignment. . . ! And what a tremendous year of growth it was. . . How is it that someone so young, so dependent, so innocent, could simply teach us so much? Thanks be to God for the simplicity of a child full of knowledge, grace, and love. Enjoy the pics, video, and who knows,
As we move into yet another year we thought that a quick update might be in order, especially since there's so much to tell since our last blog!
We were privileged to speak at a couple more churches these past weeks and it was wonderful to spend time together with our larger family of God. Thanks very much to the Independence, MO Trinity
We HAVE A DESTINATION! Most of you reading this we know have been sitting on pins and needles awaiting the great news of where the Whetstone's will end up next. Well, maybe not, but either way your waiting is over, the survey is in, and the people have spoken - Singapore wins the prize! We don't have a lot of specifics, but we do know a few things. . .
-We will be learning Malay
-We will be serving in unique ways. . . more on that in the future
-We need A LOT of support, help, and partners in ministry . . .
-We'll keep you updated but if your wanting to know more don't hesitate to write!
Finally, we want to send a little prayer of blessing out to some friends of ours whom we have become incredibly close to over these past few months . . . our intern partners-in-crime here in KC. You will be used in mighty ways as you depart on the next part of the wild journey that lies ahead as you place all of yourselves into God's hands! Grace and peace be with you as you serve, love, and live in His kingdom.
Now, enjoy a little video and have a blessed Advent season.