Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We hope that your day was a blessed and thankful time with friends, family, and just possibly a little bit of tummy filling and fun! We had a wonderful time at a couple different homes. As D and I started getting ready last night for the Holidays we realized that we have spent no more than two consecutive Thanksgivings in a single place and it seems like this may be a trend which will not be changing much in the near future. Even though at times we would love to set down some roots, we know that these years and where we are now, is exactly where the Lord would have us. . . And we don't know what the future holds, except we pray continually that we release ourselves

into the hands of the One who will lead us faithfully into the future filled with more of His glory.
Well, we again wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and we look forward to journeying into yet another blessed Holiday season together. But until our next blogs within the

blessed season of Advent, how about a little update? Back just before our last blog Natalie got to experience her fist Halloween and man was she cute!! I think she got enough candy for D and me! Since that time we were able to spend yet another weekend sharing our stories and our desire to be obedient to God's call on our lives and being involved in His mission of reconciliation.
Last weekend we had a wonderful time in Dayton, OH. After missing our connection in Detroit due to our first plane not being able to land on time, and then

hanging out with Natalie on the movable sidewalks at the airport, we finally made it to Dayton about 3 hours late, but still in plenty of time for a great evening out with our host couple and members of Dayton First Church of the Nazarene - Jeff & Sabrina Westerman. Thank you for such a wonderful time and for all your help. After a great service and incredible Thanksgiving/Faith Promise Dinner Sunday morning, we

grabbed a little nap and then headed off to Vandalia Church of the Nazarene. It was an excellent service and we also want to thank the Vandalia church for welcoming us and being such a wonderfully responsive group. Blessings and peace be with you all.
Finally, we wanted to thank both Dean and JoAnn Blevins as well as David and Jodi Cooper for hosting us this Thanksgiving Day and allowing us to "Thanksgiving House

Hop"! We had two amazing meals, as well as a lot of fun talking, watching football, sleeping, and playing some games. I wonder where we will be next year for Thanksgiving?!
Last and certainly not least is that we still need your prayers for. . .
- the logistics and finalization of our next missionary assignment
- health care for a number of members in our families
- continued raising of financial support for our future assignment (which looks more and more like it will be in the AsiaPacific region)
- finals and final papers due this next week for school

- travels this holiday season throughout Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York.
Grace and peace be with you all. By the way in less than 10 days Natalie will be 1 YEAR OLD!