11 Months. . . R&R. . . and whatever else. . .

It may be the coldest morning we have had yet in KC, but it feels nice to finally wear a sweater and not sweat- at least for now! And that was yesterday . . . I guess it takes me a little longer to get things done when you've got a baby, no Internet at home, and well, "play time!"?

We have had a couple full weeks again. As we have been busy, it's also been nice to take a couple days of rest. I've seen too many times people getting burned out because they let work rule their lives- even if it is "good works" or "family work". . . Would it make any sense to try and help people become healthy when you yourself are unhealthy? If as believers we are to be "light" to the world, what happens when that "light" burns out because all we represent is a tired and restless self? If God rested, and Jesus took time alone (and even rested on a boat while the storms were raging all around), should we not take this as a little sign that maybe "go until you can't go no more" might not necessarily be the best idea? Anyway, enough ranting . . . here's a little glimpse at our short break and breather!

Two Saturday's ago began our "R&R" week (also known as "Reading & Research", not "Rest & Relaxation"- you'll never know what we think it should be?!) and we had the wonderful privilege to spend time with a couple churches and some incredible students and faculty at Southern Nazarene University (SNU). We spent our first and glorious fall weekend in Ames, IA. Thanks to our new friends and family there at the Ames Church of the Nazarene for providing the opportunity for us to come share, and be a part of your lives for the weekend. It was a great weekend spent eating some really good BBQ, amazing hospitality, and sharing life together in worship.

We then drove back from Ames on Sunday and headed out to Bethany, OK to share at SNU in a couple classes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thanks to Dr. Howard Culbertson and the students for the warm welcome, incredibly interactive class participation, and the great time hanging out together on campus. We however think that most of the time it was all about our baby Natalie than it really was about getting to know the weird short young missionaries?! :-) And you know what, we are totally OK with that!

After returning from OK we spent one day at home catching up on stuff... not sure what that stuff was, but we sure did make a day of it! Then on Friday, we headed out to Perry, KS to speak at a youth retreat for the weekend. Many thanks to Justin Roach and the New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene youth group. It was an honor and blessing to share a little of this glorious journey of grace we are on, together. May His grace fill, equip, and sustain you as you continue along the Emmaus road of life. Directly from Perry, KS we headed to Perry, OK! Spent a short but beautiful afternoon with the incredible Luthye family before we headed to Cleo Springs, OK for an evening of fellowship. Thanks to all our new family and friends for the chance to grow together and we don't just mean from the Apple Cobbler! :-)

Finally, we would ask for your prayers in a couple areas . . .

  • Natalie- she just turned 11 months and will soon be 1 year. She has adapted to travel life incredibly well, but we still ask for continued prayers as we enter into her first winter as well. . . Remember, she's a Southern Belle!
  • NTS- school is coming to a close and we both have some major projects to get done. . . we need endurance, steadfastness, and the knowledge and grace to get 'er done!
  • Speaking Engagements (Deputation Services)- still a great need to book some additional speaking opportunities. . . may the doors open in order to share our stories and raise financial support for the ministry that the Lord has ahead of us.
  • Churches- For all the new family members we have from our previous speaking opportunities. May His blessing and grace fill these Churches as they continue to participate in His mission. We love you all.
  • Family- we have some immediate family members in need of physical healing.
  • Missionary Friends- there are others being equipped for the Lord's service right now whom have become some of our closest friends and even though they may know where their destinations of service lie there is always ambiguity. I know they will need all the prayer support they can get!
  • Credit card fraud situation . . .
For now that's not all, but at least that's all for this post . . . Enjoy the changing of color and seasons and my it remind us all of the constant change the Lord does in us as well. He changes us for lies ahead- even the winters . . . Peace be with you all!


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