Can Miracles Really Happen?

Monday afternoon and as some would say, "I'm babysitting". However, I find this extremely weird, since it is my child, so, aren't I really just being "daddy"? In any case, I have the best job that I could ask for right now and that's hanging out with my baby girl! We have been playing a ton and now she's at the point where I think she would much rather spend some "alone time" (with me around, just not 'playing' with her)?! Could this mean that she's an introvert like her mother, or could it mean that she would just rather play when she feels like it - like her father?! Am I revealing to much about D and I right now?!

Anyway, it still is Monday afternoon and it's been over a week since we last blogged and there are a few things that we most definitely would love to share. . . as if I am ever without things to share?! For those of you who are joining us for the first time you may want to read a couple back blogs which have been filled with numerous prayer requests and concerns about the future, us, our families, etc. We started speaking on the weekends again and it looks like we will be pretty full from now until the first of the year. And for this we must thank those who have had us, like Des Moines, IA First Church of the Nazarene, and those who have consented to have us, as well those who have been recommending us. I guess our "bio's" weren't too bad, eh?! Or maybe it's just the fact that our baby girl is just so darn cute?!

We mentioned a couple weeks ago about my sister having some major problems with her third pregnancy and that there might be some major complications with the baby. The baby was diagnosed with a severe illness that could potentially be extremely detrimental to it's life. After they went to the specialist this past week, the new test results came back different - the baby had been healed. . .

Sometime I wonder what to make of miracles like this. Why do some occur the way we pray while others don't? I could probably spend a lot of time writing on this very topic right now, but I'm going to just leave us with a thought . . . We can either believe that miracles don't exist or that life itself is a miracle? And what would it mean if one's "faith" was a gift? Would we respond to times of joy and sorrow differently.

Ultimately I must say that no matter the case, our heavenly father- Abba - is faithful. Whether we need courage, perseverance, grace, etc. He is willing and able to be the father who knows best. That is He knows what we need and what gifts to bestow because truly, the One who began a good work and is faithful to complete it. So, I guess it really might be a good thing for us to seek, ask, and knock as we journey together as children in the art of becoming more and more the true image we were created to be- Godbearers!?

As Godbearers we also find it extremely necessary to enjoy life, creation, reading, and gelato! Not only do we keep a tight schedule, but we make the pertinent requirements for finding time in creation, for leisure fun, and sometimes that includes reading while other times it includes some gelato! It's been a blast to become closer friends with some of the other missionary interns and this past weekend we took the time together to find some really good gelato (Italian Ice Cream). There is a new place in the KC Plaza with some pretty authentic gelato. In other words, it went down real easy and it tasted really good!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to subscribe. Until next time . . . let's be a littler bit more than we do to where we just might see life as a gift of living and not just existence!


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