A little over one month in KC and . . .

Thursday and it's been a most incredibly hectic week. I would love to tell you about how "perfect" things get in the life of a "missionary"but that would be a load of crap! - Now, have you ever read something like that on a "missionary letter (blog)"?

We have been here over a month and no matter the "crap" that seems to arise in life, God, the One who IS love, and faithful, has been both loving and faithful (or is that lovingly faithful?) through it all! I guess by now you are probably wondering what could have happened in less than two weeks to evoke such an opening paragraph? One thing D and I have learned over our short years is that with troubles there comes joys as well. In fact, they seem to "kiss each other at every moment", as Henri Houwen might say.
So, here's a little tidbit of the both simultaneously joyful and dreadful past days.

Joyful . . .
I (Timmy) got to go to the Yankees game (or is that Royals?) with one of my new friends through this entire missionary intern life - Spencer. Here he is at his first ever Yanks game. He is most definitely an avid Yanks fan.

We got our Pathfinder's A/C fixed. And might I add, just in time. It was 90 today!
Danielle and I survived the first week of the new semester. . .

Natlie got her third tooth in!

We had a ton of fun at our local block party . . .

Its been fun reconnecting with old friends who have moved back in the area as well while making some incredible new friends too! While working diligently at school and diving full force, of course, into our missionary training, we have managed to keep the "breather times" still alive in our family. It's been fun to go bike riding, hang out on the Plaza and Westport, visit new places, enjoy some walks in our local Brookside area, and attend a tremendously fun 2 year old birthday party. I never knew that Wii could be some much FUN!!! Even though I got my butt kicked in boxing, I had a great time getting K.O.'d! Go ahead and check out some other really cool photos here: http://www1.snapfish.com/share/p=893201190338322029/l=315657914/g=25629194/otsc=SYE/otsi=SALB

Dreadful or maybe I should say, not so joyful . . .
  • Natalie has come down with pneumonia. But thank the Lord she is not in the Hospital.
  • My parents are both sick and facing possible surgeries.
  • My sister has had some major complications during her third pregnancy.
  • Two separate friends of ours, parents, have both been diagnosed with cancer.
  • We are still only less than two weeks into our school semester! :-)
Even as I wrote those dreadful/not so joyful statements, I know that God is with us and is already walking beside each family member and friend, healing where He sees fit, and working out things for good. I know that even stating what I have just wrote puts me out on a limb called faith- and I guess that's where I would like to journey! A steadfast grip from my unseen God who I hold onto as well believing that His Shalom - that is, His indescribable blessings of peace and prosperity will take place for His Glory and because of His Grace! Yet, I still believe in our responsibility to seek first His kingdom, and to walk humbly with our God. So, I call on all those who read this, to pray with us, pray for us, and may His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

And finally, before we sign off, let us remember that there is talent in all of us, so why not make some noise? . . .

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