Monday afternoon and here we are at Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS). We began the day with a nice pancake breakfast sponsored by NTS and now it's time to blog before I need to crank out yet another paper for our class which will begin tomorrow. Amazingly enough it's been just over 1 month since we began the course studying for our module class and as the month turned to weeks and then to days, I still believed I had
plenty of time to get all the reading and work done. But then, I think what my wife refers to as "
reality" sunk in and I realized that

my days were very numbered. Yet, here I am blogging when I probably should be reading . . . Is that the "relational" or "procrastination-al" (yes, that is a
Timmy word) side of me? Go ahead and choose for yourself.
But enough about what I'm thinking, here's what we have been doing. Less than two weeks ago, we arrived, moved in, and set-up

house. Then it's been a fun journey getting to know some of the other missionary interns. We have spent time swapping meal times "on the block" - Don't worry Jenny's not from our block! - enjoying the "riot" know as 3 - 4 little kids running & crawling around, while learning, sharing, and trading stories about life. D and I are very much looking forward to the next 4 months here in KC with new and old friends while we go full-force through school and training.
Finally, don't forget to pray for us as;

- we still are in the process of getting our A/C fixed in our car
- we try to book some speaking engagements which are extremely needed to raise funds
- we try and help Natalie adjust to her new home, friends, and atmosphere
- we study, train, and journey through these next few months in KC
- we work through the process of finding a future destination for service
Until next time we would like you to know that many of your prayers have been answered for Danielle. She is more than ecstatic about the fact that she now can merely "audit" her classes! I

guess some would say "what a relief", while others might say, "what a shame" . . . But in the end, it really only matters that D says, "Brilliant, Awesome, I don't have to write
all those papers!"
And all I gotta to say is, "I think I need another nap?!"