On the MOVE again . . . Wanna help?!

1. Packing up our house and the entire moving process from Daphne, AL to Kansas City, MO.
2. Classes which begin 28 August with our first module class on Mission Strategy- which by the way requires a pre-requisite reading of approximately 1200 pages, and around 4 papers.
3. Saying goodbye to our friends and church family here on the Alabama South District and Lighthouse Church of the Nazarene.
4. Beginning our deputation/speaking engagements. (We do have available weekends this fall.)
5. The entire "site choice" process as we are still "undeclared" (doesn't that sound so Freshman collegeish?) and will be continuing dialogue with different regions.
6. The sale of some of our furniture and household items. . .
7. Yet another transition and what the future holds as we do our best to continue to seek His face for direction.
8. For Lighthouse Church whom we will be leaving.
9. For who the Lord will bring us in contact with in the future.
10. Our families . . .
For now, if you're in the area we could use your help. If you're far away, we could use your prayers. If you're somewhere in between . . .
We are eternally grateful to everyone, and we know that we have nothing to fear of the future for He is not only with us today, but our Lord is already there in the future beckoning us to come on and be a part of what He is already doing!
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein
Ciao ciao,
T, D, and Natalie
God bless you! (and I really mean that, even if you didn't sneeze),