Hello x-campers, and readers from all over (I hope!).
It's Saturday night and I'm just trying to do a little relaxing after a long but excellent week speaking at the North Arkansas Nazarene District teen camp,

at Windemere camp grounds in Roach, MO. It was a blast being a part of their camp that not only had a tremendous theme - "myspace being transformed into ourspace" - but a ton of fabulous people. It was a privilege to not only hang-out with such a brilliant bunch of folk, but also to go away knowing that I had made a number of friends. If you would like to check out their website go to:
www.myspace.com/nark_district_camp_2007Now after hanging out with some fun teens, great counselors, tremendous directors, and some really cool SNU college students, I returned to a house in the midst of disarray.

While I was gone my mother-in-law came to help with Natalie so that D could continue to keep working and yet I believe she got more than she bargained for . . . We are moving August 12 to Kansas City and I guess there's no better time than the present to start packing, right?! Well, as most who read this know D and I, you can probably guess that I came home to a house already taken over by packed boxes- I believe my friend

Curt refers to this side of my wife as "Tigger D"! In any case, after getting home last night around 9:30pm we set-up for our "moving sale". We worked until about 1 am, and then woke up to start the "sale" around 5am. It was a successful day, but we still need to sell a few large items, like one of our cars. Anyone wanna buy a sweet lookin'

Ford Escort station wagon?! :-)
For the next couple weeks we will continue to be saying goodbye to some great friends here in Bama . . . And Natalie will be too- Check out this pic!
Thanks again NARK district, thanks SNU, and thanks to all those whom I was able to share a bit of "ourspace". Until next time . . . God Bless

You All and we will keep you posted on where the Lord leads us after our next four months of training in Kansas City, MO. But for now, it's off to read, off to pack, and off to sleep . . . oh yeah, Natalie's 8 month birthday is in two days- how crazy is that?!
Ciao ciao