What's with the number 6?
Amazingly enough the number six has had a good deal of significance in my life lately.
Danielle and I celebrated 6 glorious years of marriage on May 19.
Natalie had her 6 month birthday on May 30.
I changed 6 diapers in one day last week.
I had 6 mosquito bites from camping last week.
Its been 6 days since we semi-interviewed for a job outside the US.
My friend Curt and my other friend Jesse are both getting married on 7 - 7 - 07. Wait, there's not a single 6 anywhere there . . . and oh yeah, there not getting married to each other just on the same day in two different
Anyway, I thought since there just happened to be some significant 6 figures in my life (and that most definitely is not what appears on my pay check- which by the way I don't get anymore since I am currently unemployed with a Masters degree . . . is that not so post-modern or what?!) that would share in word and picture a little bit about what's happened recently. Enjoy!
Natalie "scooted" for the first time three days ago! Scooted because I don't think anyone, even this most gracious proud father could actually call it "crawling". But I am sure that will not be too long down the road?! This came after spending our Anniversary
Pentecost weekend and Memorial Day were also pretty eventful. We had a wonderful Pentecost/ Graduation Sunday service. However, please keep our church in prayers as we seek to grow spiritually and numerically. However, we know that none of this growth is going to come about unless it is
With the outstanding weather on Monday we decided to head to the beach which is about 5 minutes from our home after working at and ON the house all day. As we walked on the white sand, listening to the water, and admiring the incredibly beautiful sunset we were calmed with the knowledge that truly God does have everything under control.
For those who don't know, we are in the midst of a possible move. It may be that we head overseas via KC, or it may be that we remain in Alabama. In either case, we are trusting the Lord for His guidance and provision. He has never
Well, as June will be upon us in less than a day, have a great May 31!
ps I like the goatee!!!