Just Over 5 Months, and . . .

In order to make it easy, I will be using some visual aids . . . Of course some of these visual aids are purely for creating a joyous moment in your lives. Because honestly how could you sit there and look at these pictures of Natalie and it not bring a smile to your face!? She's absolutely the cutest, is she not (ok, we're a little biased)?!
Well, here goes:

2. We also took a little trip to Kansas City, MO to be a part of World Mission's "Missionary Assessment". Basically, this is one of the major steps to be commissioned missionaries through the Church of the Nazarene. It was both an honor and huge encouragement to us to be invited.
We had a wonderful, albeit intense, time both in the training and especially in fellowship. It was also a great pleasure to see some
It was also a great time spent with Tim's folks in KC. We needed a babysitter, and Tim's Mom and Dad accepted the calling without even an ounce of hesitation- imagine that?! A grandpa and grandma wanting to hang out with one of their little cute granddaughters!?
With all the travels we have been doing over the past couple weeks, Natalie has done tremendously well. Who knows, maybe she is cut out to be an MK (Missionary Kid)? It was actually fun to travel with Natalie on the plane, because she smiled at nearly every person! Talk about an instant joy dropper!
We just received word that we have been recommended for Missionary Deployment. This basically means that we will begin an interview process with some of our Regional Directors throughout the globe.
3. We returned from Kansas City and headed to District Assembly for the Alabama South Church of the Nazarene District. It was a great time spent with friends from the district as well as some unexpected visitors! As we gave our thanks for the many years of service that our incredibly gracious leaders Dr. Roy and Nina Fuller dedicated, Tim also reported for the last time as part
It has been a long and hard journey working in the area of disaster response, yet extremely rewarding. We are looking forward in anticipation to what the Lord has in store for us and our district next. If it be that we stay and continue working at Lighthouse Church of the Nazarene, we do know that our new leaders will be tremendous!
4. We need help! We are hoping and planning to go on a missions trip this coming summer. We

4. Natalie is growing, and getting bigger and bigger everyday! WE LOVE IT! She is absolutely amazing. She loves to squeal (and loudly at times!), roll over and over and over throughout the house, eat lots of really good sweet potatoes, grab things, and of course smile a great deal! I will leave the rest of the story telling for another time, but for now, let's juts take a quick look at how beautiful and fun she really is . . .
Take care everyone and have a wonderful Mother's Day Weekend!