Not Near As Deep . . .
However, speaking of change, there has been a lot of that in our house:
- Change of diapers
- Change of clothes
- Change of clothing size
- Change of rooms
- Change of scenery
- Change of jobs
- Change of opportunities
- Change of non-smelly poops to most definitely smelly poops
AND a change of AGE . . .
Yes, Natalie has hit her three month birthday! I love the fact that I get to through her a party every month for the first year! And even though it has come and gone, I being the great (late) dad that I am, I thought you all would like to see some "happy faces"!?
Anyway, we hope your enjoying the pictures?! And before I sign off, we all, including Nat, must thank the "boyz" for coming back in town. It was a good weekend spent with Marcus, Ryan, Jesse, and Jordan. I believe it was almost like old times,
In any case, thanks for spending some time with the Whetstone's, especially Natalie!
Until next time . . .
As it is near the middle of our Lent season, we pray that your journey towards the cross be filled with the "one"- Christ- who carried it in our place. That He shape and re-shape you in mighty ways as you lend yourself to the potter's hands as pilgrims in the Kingdom of Heaven!