Cloth or Disposable?
Well another couple weeks have passed and Natalie is growing beautifully.
Mardi Gras just finished, and the Lent season is now upon us. (I'll have to save my next blog for these topics . . .)
In any case, as I evolve into the person called "daddy" -- well, not exactly "called" yet, but at least "known as", I am amazed that there are many things which I shove off as little more than the most eloquent words which could roll off a father's lips that is,"big deal"! Of course these words are spoken in gusto at the most appropriate times-- I believe. This may be a matter of discussion with "mommy"! In any case, I would like to give but a few
brief examples:
"Honey, Natalie just had a MASSIVE BLOW OUT!" Appropriate response, "No problem. We can take care of this." Timmy's gusto response, "Big deal!"
"Babe, Natalie just spit up all over my Sunday Church outfit!" Appropriate response, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time for you to change and I guess she just didn't like your outfit today?!" Timmy's gusto response, "Big Deal!"
"Sir, you have a beautiful baby. But you might want to make sure that she keeps covered in this weather. And the best thing for your baby would be to make sure that she doesn't catch a draft!" Appropriate response, "Thank you ma'am. She is beautiful is she not." Timmy's internal gusto voice response, "Thanks, but who are you and big deal. I'm taking good care of her right now!"
Finally, there are a few other decisions that receive a bit more thinking, pondering, discussion, and more than a "big deal" response. Like;
"Who will choose as our doctor?"
"How long do we allow her to use her bobo/chocho/pacifier?"
"When do we begin teaching her Italian?"
"Should we use cloth or disposable?"
Well, it is this last question that brings me to a culmination of data that I have received. For those interested, please read on because I found the decision to be even much more difficult that I had first thought. Interestingly enough, being a part of a people who actually want to be "care takers" of this home God has given us, there's more to making a decision than just instinct! In any case, enjoy my research and I hope to hear from at least a few of you on your thoughts! And of course, enjoy the pictures!!!
"Americans throw away some eighteen billion disposable diapers a year, enough to constitute more than 1 percent of the nation's landfill. Disposables are made of plastic and will stay in their present form for about five hundred years. "Biodegradable" disposables are available
in some places, but some environmentalist have complained that they use more plastic than the regular kind and take just as long to break down.
Cloth diapers, in contrast, are all natural. The problem is that they're made of cotton, which is taxing on farmland. And in order to sterilize cloth diapers properly, diaper services wash them seven times in near-boiling water, consuming huge amounts of power, water, and chemical detergents. The diapers are then delivered all over town in trucks that fill the air with toxic pollutants. One study concluded that 'use of a diaper service appears to consumer three times as much fuel and cause nine times as much air pollution as use of disposable diapers.' "
And of course this doesn't even mention the cost factor (especially for a pastor)!
Disposable diapers: $8 to $9 for a package of 44 newborn size. As Natalie is getting bigger the number of diapers per package has gone down, but the cost has remained about the same. Basically, it's pricey! And who knows if the legend is true that baby's who use cloth are potty trained earlier due to the fact that these diapers hold the moisture away from a baby's bottom?
Cloth Diapers: About $12 for a package of 6.
The availability and cost of the services in this area are slim and costly. Basically, it's pricey- even if we would choose to do our own laundry.
And so, yes, it may be a tough choice for some or it may be a "big deal" response from others. In any case, it's a choice for ALL parents!
Later . . .
Mardi Gras just finished, and the Lent season is now upon us. (I'll have to save my next blog for these topics . . .)
In any case, as I evolve into the person called "daddy" -- well, not exactly "called" yet, but at least "known as", I am amazed that there are many things which I shove off as little more than the most eloquent words which could roll off a father's lips that is,"big deal"! Of course these words are spoken in gusto at the most appropriate times-- I believe. This may be a matter of discussion with "mommy"! In any case, I would like to give but a few
"Honey, Natalie just had a MASSIVE BLOW OUT!" Appropriate response, "No problem. We can take care of this." Timmy's gusto response, "Big deal!"
"Babe, Natalie just spit up all over my Sunday Church outfit!" Appropriate response, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time for you to change and I guess she just didn't like your outfit today?!" Timmy's gusto response, "Big Deal!"
"Sir, you have a beautiful baby. But you might want to make sure that she keeps covered in this weather. And the best thing for your baby would be to make sure that she doesn't catch a draft!" Appropriate response, "Thank you ma'am. She is beautiful is she not." Timmy's internal gusto voice response, "Thanks, but who are you and big deal. I'm taking good care of her right now!"
Finally, there are a few other decisions that receive a bit more thinking, pondering, discussion, and more than a "big deal" response. Like;
"Who will choose as our doctor?"
"How long do we allow her to use her bobo/chocho/pacifier?"
"When do we begin teaching her Italian?"
"Should we use cloth or disposable?"
Well, it is this last question that brings me to a culmination of data that I have received. For those interested, please read on because I found the decision to be even much more difficult that I had first thought. Interestingly enough, being a part of a people who actually want to be "care takers" of this home God has given us, there's more to making a decision than just instinct! In any case, enjoy my research and I hope to hear from at least a few of you on your thoughts! And of course, enjoy the pictures!!!
"Americans throw away some eighteen billion disposable diapers a year, enough to constitute more than 1 percent of the nation's landfill. Disposables are made of plastic and will stay in their present form for about five hundred years. "Biodegradable" disposables are available
Cloth diapers, in contrast, are all natural. The problem is that they're made of cotton, which is taxing on farmland. And in order to sterilize cloth diapers properly, diaper services wash them seven times in near-boiling water, consuming huge amounts of power, water, and chemical detergents. The diapers are then delivered all over town in trucks that fill the air with toxic pollutants. One study concluded that 'use of a diaper service appears to consumer three times as much fuel and cause nine times as much air pollution as use of disposable diapers.' "
And of course this doesn't even mention the cost factor (especially for a pastor)!
Disposable diapers: $8 to $9 for a package of 44 newborn size. As Natalie is getting bigger the number of diapers per package has gone down, but the cost has remained about the same. Basically, it's pricey! And who knows if the legend is true that baby's who use cloth are potty trained earlier due to the fact that these diapers hold the moisture away from a baby's bottom?
Cloth Diapers: About $12 for a package of 6.
And so, yes, it may be a tough choice for some or it may be a "big deal" response from others. In any case, it's a choice for ALL parents!
Later . . .