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Two Months and . . .
It has been a bit longer than I hoped in getting this post up, but I am sure it will be worth it - given the pictures of course!
Natalie is now two months old and growing bigger and even more beautiful every day. I am simply amazed at how captivated I am with everything she does. Astonished at how she's beginning to learn about her surroundings, her muscles, her crying volume, and how to smile! And simply more and more in love with my baby girl.
We went to the doctors yesterday for Natalie's check-up and ALL is well!
She's extremely healthy and growing, surprisingly of course, given the "height" gene pool she's got to choose from. Yesterday's visit was also the day where she received her vaccinations. When those shots came we found out how "pathetic" daddy can be. I did all I could to make sure that she felt OK, but when her cries came from the shots, my tears almost came. Crazy, I know, but what a moment!
It's been a great month. The move to Daphne is working out well, and we are beginning to meet new people all the time. One of our greatest highlights this past month came when a couple friends, Emanuele and Claudia from Rome, Italy came to visit.
We spent a couple days being tourists in our own Alabama stomping grounds. As we toured these great beach areas, we also found out - well, I found out - that a Nissan Pathfinder works great on roads, and even off-road, but not on SAND! Yeah,
I got us stuck right on the beach. If I were to tell you the whole story, I am sure that I would find some way to try and make myself seem more intelligent than I truly was. Therefore, for all my friends out there- go ahead, laugh, and just think about all those "stupid" things I've done in the past and then add this one to the list. Now, laugh again!
After much digging, searching for some wood planks, and spinning tires in the sand
(where some of the sand seemed to find it's way into the car, and just possibly because someone forgot to shut the door when I put the car into reverse), I then humbled myself and asked one of the guys fishing if he could tow us out. He did, and it was a big success. Another great memory in the Whetstone Chronicle Bank!
I of course would love to show you some pictures, but due to the fact that I was trying to get the truck out of the sand, or was it that I have been trying to forget this yet incredibly stupid incident in my life?, I was unable to provide these brilliant photos! But maybe my friends from Italy will send me some and then I can post them next time?!
Until next time
I just thought I would let you know that my nanno just gets better and better as well! So if anyone knows where I can get some cool podcasts, or downloads, I'm all ears!
Ciao, Ciao. I think I'm going to take a little nap!
p.s. I will post my phot album link in my next blog.
"To sing is to pray twice" - St. Augustine
Loving the updates on the beautiful daughter. Babies are wonders aren't they. I'm staying home with our little one today while mommy is at work. Fun fun.
And poop showers. Those are great. Not as many these days, but we've had them.
Anyway, keep on loving and enjoy every minute.