What can one say, really . . .
A lot is going on right now both mentally, physically, and . . . So, the questions come . . . like:
- What will we do come April 1?
- How does one juggle being a new parent, teaching a class, help pastor at a new and struggling church plant, working with disaster relief, trying to read some, playing with my new nanno, and more?
- What does it really feel like to be "pooped on"?!
Danielle and Natalie are doing terrific. Nat's about 8 lbs 9 ounces and still gaining weight as well as streching her langy body! Not only is she looing great but still maintaing those invisible hips-- a.k.a. supermodle diaper sagging!
We are so grateful for all your prayers, support, and gifts. Keep praying, for this is truly our biggest help! However, with much of the gifts you gave, we finally, have been able to nearly complete the baby room. So how about a little tour?
With me back in the blogging mood, I am plannig to dedicate my next blog to two specific items:
1. How does someone get stuck in beach sand with a Nissan Pathfinder?
2. And more pics from our great adventures with our incredible friends who came all the way from Italia to visit us way down here in the deep south.
Yet before I close off with a couple more photo's we must send out a HUGE thanks to Emmanuelle and Claudia for joining us in our home and bringing many moments which we will cherish forever. We love you guys!
Finally, for all those interested in knowing more about the church I (Tim) am now serving at as associate pastor, please check out our new blog site. www.lighthousenaz.blogspot.com (And don't worry, there will be more to come on that site as well!)
Take care, hope you enjoyed the pics, and stop pestering me about putting more pics on my blog sites!! Just kidding, keep pestering, because then at least I know someone likes the blogs (or is that just that they like to see Natalie?!)
Ciao ciao . . .